Be a Trainer

To Be a Trainer in EPT:

RPT/S or EPT/D required

Potential trainers must participate in a three day workshop to learn the style and methods of teaching the in house portion of the certification program. An attempt will be made to hold these workshops in locations in various parts of the country, focusing on areas central to groups of participating individuals.

The cost of the workshop is $500.00

The first dates for Training the Trainer workshops will be announced in the future.

Following training certification, the trainer is eligible to:

Gather a group of interested participants and take them through the certification process.

Webinars may be purchased from the website and shown to groups, if so desired. The trainer may charge participants for a group showing and possible follow-up discussion.

Handouts for each of the webinars are copyrighted and may be purchased for trainees from the Center for Experiential Play Therapy.

In the case of group observation of the webinars, continuing ed certificates will be an added cost and will require the administration, scoring and reporting of each individual’s participation to the central office by the trainers before certificates will be dispersed. The cost will be $10 per webinar with the exception of the basic Reaching Children Through Play Therapy. That cost will be $50.00 since it is a five part series.

If a trainer chooses to train a group of individuals in their area, the Center for Experiential Play Therapy will be due a report of the gross income from the training. 10% of that amount will be due to the Center for Experiential Play Therapy.

Supervisors and Diplomates Presenting Workshops

(It is not necessary to participate in the Trainer’s training in order to do workshops or presentations)

For basic* EPT required classes, Supervisors and Diplomates must:

Obtain course outline from Family Psychological Services, PC and follow it.

Obtain handouts from Family Psychological Services, PC.

Family Psychological Services, PC. will be the APT continuing education provider.

* Introduction to Experiential Play Therapy ; Theories, Meaning and Application of Metaphors; Experiential Play Therapy with Traumatized Children

For EPT expansion courses generated by Supervisors and Diplomates:

A proposal must be submitted for approval.

Family Psychological Services, PC. will be the APT continuing education provider.

For EPT Intensive Trainings conducted by Diplomates:

A proposal must be submitted for approval.

(EPT/S may co-facilitate an Intensive Training only with an EPT/D)

Proposals for expansion courses must contain the following:

Course Descriptions

Example:  This course is an introduction to the use of metaphors and symbolism in experiential play therapy.  The underlying meanings of child expressed metaphors will be addressed.  The use of metaphorical expression in the different stages of EPT will be examined.

(Designing a course to demonstrate these concepts.)

Course Objectives

(as in the example above)

  • Understand and be able to respond to metaphorical expression.
  • Identify and use the metaphoric roles in play.
  • Use and understanding of metaphor in play therapy.
  • Identification and use of metaphors in fantasy play.

The introductory course in EPT

  • Introduction
  • Meaning and use of metaphor
  • Toys as metaphor
  • Metaphor in fantasy play
  • Levels of metaphor
  • Therapeutic responding to metaphorical expression.
  • Experiential metaphorical expressions

Topics and Skills Needed by Working Therapists

  • Diagnosing
  • Writing behavioral, measurable goals in treatment plans that work using EPT
  • Ethics
  • Speaking to the unconscious in play
  • Symbolic expression in play therapy
  • Object relations
  • Identify the metaphoric use of toys
  • Identify and use the metaphoric roles in play.
  • Teach a course in experiential play therapy to professionals, using books, handouts, and course outline provided by founders.
Educational Prerequisites:
  • Associate level:  Currently engaged in a master’s degree program, having completed a basic introductory practicum in counseling.
  • Therapist level:  Completed a master’s degree program in a mental health field.
  • Supervisor and Diplomate levels:  Completed at least a master’s degree program in a mental health field and a course in supervision of clinical practice.
  • Highly recommended courses (which may be received from workshops) include:  Child development, principles of psychotherapy, theories of personality, history and development of play therapy, theories of play therapy, psychopathology, and legal, ethical and professional issues of the practice of psychotherapy.

The student will…

  1. be familiar with the basic principles of Experiential Play Therapy
  2. understand the necessary components of an effective play room.
  3. become familiar with the possible meanings of various toys.
  4. recognize the different stages of the play therapy process.
  5. acknowledge the role of the play therapist in the therapeutic process
  6. recognize a child’s response to trauma
  7. be able to identify trauma through a child’s play.

adobe_connect_update_smallAll webinars are presented in Connect, the state-of-the-art web browser based presentation application from Adobe.



Center for Experiential Play Therapy
Dr. Byron Norton & Dr. Carol Norton
1750 25th Avenue, Suite 200
Greeley, CO 80634-4945
Phone: (970) 351-6697
Voice Mail: (970) 351-6688
Fax: (970) 351-6687



Copyright © 2015 Center for Experiential Play Therapy