EPT10-Session-5 – Symbolic Meanings of Roles,

Welcome to your EPT10-Session-5 - Symbolic Meanings of Roles,

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Which is NOT true about the meaning of roles for children in EPT:

In EPT we always call the self-object animal by the same gender as the child.

Which is NOT a correct meaning of the use of animal symbols in EPT:

Which indicates the most positive and secure environments that children would most likely create during the Therapeutic Growth Stage?

Environments that would indicate issues of change or transition in the child, would most likely be:

The environments that would indicate a need for a defensive stand on the part of the child would be:

Roles such as painter, builder, zoo keeper, and farmer are most likely to be played in which stage of EPT:

The following roles played by children that would most likely represent internal issues around identity struggles are:

When a child plays dead in the drama of their play therapy, they are saying they are suicidal.

A girl playing a prom queen has significantly more social empowerment than a girl playing a cheerleader.

Roles that usually symbolize perpetrators are:

The group of animals that most commonly symbolize perpetrators are:

When a child takes a porcupine or piranha and puts it toward the therapist’s body, it most likely represents feelings of violation and/or emotional intrusion.

Environmental symbolic expressions created by children are more meaningful than symbolic expressions expressed of animals.

Environments represent the direct and pervasive mood associated with the played events and issues.

Which environment would most likely indicate that the child had a sudden immobility response during a trauma event?

Poisonous species are the best way for children to express increases in internal empowerment.

When a young girl plays a king, it means she has an underlying gender identity disorder.

In EPT, all toys, roles, environments, and animals convey emotional energy that the child has contained in their body and in their emotions.

In EPT, the best way to enter a child’s world is: