EPT10-Session-1 – Trauma Welcome to your EPT10-Session-1 - Trauma Name Business Email Phone Number Early trauma does not affect infants and toddlers because they can’t verbalize implicit memories. True False None In EPT, when children activate a trauma sequence, the following theme characteristics will usually be present in their expressions. Anxiety, regression, and nurturing. Anxiety, fear of entrapment, and/or a need to escape. Need for power, mistreatment of animals, and foul language. Fear of snakes, wanting to run away, and playing dead. None The best way to facilitate a trauma or fear reaction that has been activated in a child during play therapy is to tell the child s/he is safe in the playroom and nothing bad is going happen to them here. True False None In tracking trauma expressions in EPT, the best example of the order of the process is: Empowerment must be established before the trauma memory is introduced to the child The child dissociates so the memories can remain clear and intact. Memories and somatic sensations lead to increased anxiety or fear as the traumatized child proceeds in the play therapy process. Children can make up play sequences that resemble trauma experiences, even though it never happened. None Young children have the capacity to tell the story of their trauma experiences if a play therapist will not interrupt their process and facilitate their movement through tracking and facilitating trauma expressions in play. True False None Children who can use metaphorical expressions in play therapy have greater potential for resiliency Yes No None Time's up